Friday, April 25, 2014

Rediscover- New me

These days I have been thinking of doing something which is creative,and value addition. Have been trying different means to do that but all in vain. Teaching, dancing reading what ever excites me am thinking of all those things.

Last few months were very depressing but then realized that being happy is not so difficult. I made my own problems. I can be happy too if I change my focus from something which is not important to a more important.

Have been trying to make as many friends as I can. 
I am fond of reading and have been reading lot of books online too.
I am loving this new me.

being happy is the state of mind. You can be happy if start looking for good things around you and avoid the negative vibes. I have done that and yes there is a significant change in my life.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Freedom of thought,speech and life

Need a freedom.

I need a freedom of what I think,
I need freedom to what I say,
I need a freedom to how I look,
I need a freedom to how I live.