...much better. Feeling much better now after a lengthy yet meaningful conversation. Since last few months nothing was going good. I realized that the spark has gone out of our life. I was getting into a dark space with no road ahead, felt like crying all the time. I’ve been thinking about depression a lot lately. It’s something I’ve had to deal with quite a bit this year beacause am too far away from may family my country and my comfort area.I ’ve had various phases of depression over the past few months.
And no ,its not that am unhappy with my family or something causing me trouble. I was failed to come to a conclusion ...why?
Why is that?
The times I have been depressed have been some of the deepest times I’ve ever had with rahul. Though I have sometimes felt the farthest from Him during those times, they are the times I look back on where he truly touched me, taught me something incredibly important, or transformed me. Depression is hard, and it hurts like hell, and none of us want to feel depressed….and yet despite all of this, depression can be a very good thing. Instead of taking the opportunity to go deep within themselves and let transform themselves there, instead of asking the hard questions and facing their demons, some people shut down. They don’t address the causes of their depression and they become a shell of what they used to be, of what they could be. Possibly I could have been the same.
But Last night a small conversation changed everything...it changed my own outlook. I could now clearly see the problem and yeah that almost disappeared conclusion. I feel more relaxed now. Depression isn’t something to be handled, or controlled, or fixed. It is a chance, an opportunity, to run into your beloved's arms and let all your emotions out. To cry, to rage, to scream, to worry, to feel despair. He can handle all these feelings and he doesn’t need me to shut down like sometimes it feels like everyone around us wants us to. And in his arms my heart got transformed.
I feel everything around me is as new as it was earlier...as fresh as it is after a heavy rainfall.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Just like that
I could never regret loving you because even if you didn't love me anymore,
I know that you once did and that is the most wonderful feeling because
I never thought that I deserved your love
Sometimes in love you must accept the fact that what makes the person you cared about happy might on the other hand leave you so lonely.Love isn't all smiles and laughsfor the moment;but crying and fighting for what you beileve is right and willl last forever
Any relationship cannot last forever if we forget that you have to sow before you can reap. You have to give before you can get.
I know that you once did and that is the most wonderful feeling because
I never thought that I deserved your love
Sometimes in love you must accept the fact that what makes the person you cared about happy might on the other hand leave you so lonely.Love isn't all smiles and laughsfor the moment;but crying and fighting for what you beileve is right and willl last forever
Any relationship cannot last forever if we forget that you have to sow before you can reap. You have to give before you can get.
Please give them some ideas..help Bollywood
Yeah pls help bollywood...Over a month I have seen couple of movies which I simply didn't like at all...Tashan...Sarkar raaj ..Kismet Konnection and so on..Gosh I didn't like them at all.
One question which always peeps in my mind is that before realeasing such crap movies do these directors actually see them??Am sure they dont.
Pls for heven sake why dont you guys see them before torturing us with such thirdclass cinema.
It's not that I don't like Indian cinema...I have always loved Bollywood far more then hollywood. I think our cinema can put smile on every single face. I enjoy a perfectly made movie with good songs at the right places.
No one would have an idea about the dizzying amount of money being pumped into it.
Sarkar raj..I guess ramgopal verma is a great director and I seriously don't like the way all great stars have humilated him for copying "sholay" as if they have created masterpieces. On the other hand I didnt get a single word which amitabh and abhishek said in that movie..why the hell they were whispering also what is the lesson they were trying to teach us. There is no need to make a sequel of a great movie just for the sake of it.
Tashan as an example was such a lower class of cinema...one man running with full style while hundreds of bullets are being fired to him and he is still alive woosh !! Hello directors this is 2008 you can' t fool us alright. Although the action sequences are interesting at times, why make it so unrealistic? When will Bollywood learn to create action sequences that look realistic? The strength and flexibility that our Bachchan Pandey possesses and his power to turn even the hardest object into spring to help him jump high, is something that may not even have crossed the minds of Hollywood directors.
Plss.. get some original and great ideas..one last good movie which I have seen is Taare zameen par..and yes I don't want to end this post with such a negative tone.
I love watching hindi movies.I guess If I look at old hindi classics I m sure each of us still enjoy them...Half Ticket..shree420...Guide and many more.I enjoy them more then any english movie but these days I hardly find any new movie meeting my expectations.
Hope it gets better. :-)
One question which always peeps in my mind is that before realeasing such crap movies do these directors actually see them??Am sure they dont.
Pls for heven sake why dont you guys see them before torturing us with such thirdclass cinema.
It's not that I don't like Indian cinema...I have always loved Bollywood far more then hollywood. I think our cinema can put smile on every single face. I enjoy a perfectly made movie with good songs at the right places.
No one would have an idea about the dizzying amount of money being pumped into it.
Sarkar raj..I guess ramgopal verma is a great director and I seriously don't like the way all great stars have humilated him for copying "sholay" as if they have created masterpieces. On the other hand I didnt get a single word which amitabh and abhishek said in that movie..why the hell they were whispering also what is the lesson they were trying to teach us. There is no need to make a sequel of a great movie just for the sake of it.
Tashan as an example was such a lower class of cinema...one man running with full style while hundreds of bullets are being fired to him and he is still alive woosh !! Hello directors this is 2008 you can' t fool us alright. Although the action sequences are interesting at times, why make it so unrealistic? When will Bollywood learn to create action sequences that look realistic? The strength and flexibility that our Bachchan Pandey possesses and his power to turn even the hardest object into spring to help him jump high, is something that may not even have crossed the minds of Hollywood directors.
Plss.. get some original and great ideas..one last good movie which I have seen is Taare zameen par..and yes I don't want to end this post with such a negative tone.
I love watching hindi movies.I guess If I look at old hindi classics I m sure each of us still enjoy them...Half Ticket..shree420...Guide and many more.I enjoy them more then any english movie but these days I hardly find any new movie meeting my expectations.
Hope it gets better. :-)
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
My 5 !!!
Alright..these days I have been reading lot of blogs and I really find interesting to read their number tags. their 5 most favourite books...movies n bla bla bla....
I thought why not I also write something like that...so here I go..
5 songs I could listen to, over and over.
-Hotel calafornia(Eagles)
-Humnein dekhi hai un ankhon ki(Khamoshi)
- Kuch is tarah (Atif aslam)
-Annie's song(John Denever)
-o palanhare(lagaan)
5 things I say often:
- Ya right..
- Bas haan
-ooiii maan
- Sh**( don't tell me you don't know this)
- main bhi na
5 most important people in my life (In no particular order):
-Rahul- My husband
-Nandani-my daughter
- My mom
-Harsh my nephew
- ??? no one as yet let's see
5 things I want to do before I die (In no particular order):
-Travel as much as possible..there is so much to see... I defnitely want to see Paris and Egypt Someday...but one day!!!
- Want to spend some wonderful days on a luxourious cruise..sailing in deep blue sea..holding his hands and
cherishing our memories.
-Buy a house of my own...a house which epitomize love..warmth and my family
- Own a Restaurant..yeah am serious..this is my new found passion..rahul am serious not kidding..one day I will have one.
-Want to get married again yeah all over again with Rahul..
5 Things which I hate..simply can't stand them
- Lizards..I don't like them at all..can't even sleep if I see them on roof.
-People who show off....who sing their own praises
- laziness and excuses
- Cigarettes, alcohol...
- people who spit on the road and boast their bravery in doing so !!
5 dishes I love to eat
- Chole bhathure.
- Meri maan ke haath ke aloo ke paranthe with butter.
-My mom-in law's daal ki kachori ...I have been blessed with two mom who cook the best
food in the world.
-Rajma chawal
5 books I like the most
-Love story
-Five people you meet in heaven
- The notebook
I thought why not I also write something like that...so here I go..
5 songs I could listen to, over and over.
-Hotel calafornia(Eagles)
-Humnein dekhi hai un ankhon ki(Khamoshi)
- Kuch is tarah (Atif aslam)
-Annie's song(John Denever)
-o palanhare(lagaan)
5 things I say often:
- Ya right..
- Bas haan
-ooiii maan
- Sh**( don't tell me you don't know this)
- main bhi na
5 most important people in my life (In no particular order):
-Rahul- My husband
-Nandani-my daughter
- My mom
-Harsh my nephew
- ??? no one as yet let's see
5 things I want to do before I die (In no particular order):
-Travel as much as possible..there is so much to see... I defnitely want to see Paris and Egypt Someday...but one day!!!
- Want to spend some wonderful days on a luxourious cruise..sailing in deep blue sea..holding his hands and
cherishing our memories.
-Buy a house of my own...a house which epitomize love..warmth and my family
- Own a Restaurant..yeah am serious..this is my new found passion..rahul am serious not kidding..one day I will have one.
-Want to get married again yeah all over again with Rahul..
5 Things which I hate..simply can't stand them
- Lizards..I don't like them at all..can't even sleep if I see them on roof.
-People who show off....who sing their own praises
- laziness and excuses
- Cigarettes, alcohol...
- people who spit on the road and boast their bravery in doing so !!
5 dishes I love to eat
- Chole bhathure.
- Meri maan ke haath ke aloo ke paranthe with butter.
-My mom-in law's daal ki kachori ...I have been blessed with two mom who cook the best
food in the world.
-Rajma chawal
5 books I like the most
-Love story
-Five people you meet in heaven
- The notebook
Monday, July 21, 2008
जीवन की आपाधापी में
जीवन की आपाधापी में कब वक़्त मिलाकुछ देर कहीं पर बैठ कभी यह सोच सकूँ
जो किया, कहा, माना उसमें क्या बुरा भला।
जिस दिन मेरी चेतना जगी मैंने देखा
मैं खड़ा हुआ हूँ इस दुनिया के मेले में,हर एक यहाँ पर एक भुलाने में भूला
हर एक लगा है अपनी अपनी दे-ले में
कुछ देर रहा हक्का-बक्का, भौचक्का-सा,आ गया कहाँ, क्या करूँ यहाँ, जाऊँ किस जा?
फिर एक तरफ से आया ही तो धक्का-सा
मैंने भी बहना शुरू किया उस रेले में,क्या बाहर की ठेला-पेली ही कुछ कम थी,
जो भीतर भी भावों का ऊहापोह मचा,जो किया, उसी को करने की मजबूरी थी,
जो कहा, वही मन के अंदर से उबल चला,
जीवन की आपाधापी में कब वक़्त मिलाकुछ देर कहीं पर बैठ कभी यह सोच सकूँ
जो किया, कहा, माना उसमें क्या बुरा भला।
मेला जितना भड़कीला रंग-रंगीला था,मानस के अन्दर उतनी ही कमज़ोरी थी,
जितना ज़्यादा संचित करने की ख़्वाहिश थी,उतनी ही छोटी अपने कर की झोरी थी,
जितनी ही बिरमे रहने की थी अभिलाषा,उतना ही रेले तेज ढकेले जाते थे,
क्रय-विक्रय तो ठण्ढे दिल से हो सकता है,यह तो भागा-भागी की छीना-छोरी थी;
अब मुझसे पूछा जाता है क्या बतलाऊँ
क्या मान अकिंचन बिखराता पथ पर आया,वह कौन रतन अनमोल मिला ऐसा मुझको,जिस पर अपना मन प्राण निछावर कर आया,
यह थी तकदीरी बात मुझे गुण दोष न दो
जिसको समझा था सोना, वह मिट्टी निकली,जिसको समझा था आँसू, वह मोती निकला।
जीवन की आपाधापी में कब वक़्त मिलाकुछ देर कहीं पर बैठ कभी यह सोच सकूँ
जो किया, कहा, माना उसमें क्या बुरा भला।
मैं कितना ही भूलूँ, भटकूँ या भरमाऊँ,
है एक कहीं मंज़िल जो मुझे बुलाती है,कितने ही मेरे पाँव पड़े ऊँचे-नीचे,
प्रतिपल वह मेरे पास चली ही आती है,मुझ पर विधि का आभार बहुत-सी बातों का।
पर मैं कृतज्ञ उसका इस पर सबसे ज़्यादा -नभ ओले बरसाए, धरती शोले उगले,अनवरत समय की चक्की चलती जाती है,
मैं जहाँ खड़ा था कल उस थल पर आज नहीं,कल इसी जगह पर पाना मुझको मुश्किल है,
ले मापदंड जिसको परिवर्तित कर देतींकेवल छूकर ही देश-काल की सीमाएँजग दे मुझपर फैसला उसे जैसा भाएलेकिन मैं तो बेरोक सफ़र में जीवन केइस एक और पहलू से होकर निकल चला।
जीवन की आपाधापी में कब वक़्त मिलाकुछ देर कहीं पर बैठ कभी यह सोच सकूँजो किया, कहा, माना उसमें क्या बुरा भला।
जो किया, कहा, माना उसमें क्या बुरा भला।
जिस दिन मेरी चेतना जगी मैंने देखा
मैं खड़ा हुआ हूँ इस दुनिया के मेले में,हर एक यहाँ पर एक भुलाने में भूला
हर एक लगा है अपनी अपनी दे-ले में
कुछ देर रहा हक्का-बक्का, भौचक्का-सा,आ गया कहाँ, क्या करूँ यहाँ, जाऊँ किस जा?
फिर एक तरफ से आया ही तो धक्का-सा
मैंने भी बहना शुरू किया उस रेले में,क्या बाहर की ठेला-पेली ही कुछ कम थी,
जो भीतर भी भावों का ऊहापोह मचा,जो किया, उसी को करने की मजबूरी थी,
जो कहा, वही मन के अंदर से उबल चला,
जीवन की आपाधापी में कब वक़्त मिलाकुछ देर कहीं पर बैठ कभी यह सोच सकूँ
जो किया, कहा, माना उसमें क्या बुरा भला।
मेला जितना भड़कीला रंग-रंगीला था,मानस के अन्दर उतनी ही कमज़ोरी थी,
जितना ज़्यादा संचित करने की ख़्वाहिश थी,उतनी ही छोटी अपने कर की झोरी थी,
जितनी ही बिरमे रहने की थी अभिलाषा,उतना ही रेले तेज ढकेले जाते थे,
क्रय-विक्रय तो ठण्ढे दिल से हो सकता है,यह तो भागा-भागी की छीना-छोरी थी;
अब मुझसे पूछा जाता है क्या बतलाऊँ
क्या मान अकिंचन बिखराता पथ पर आया,वह कौन रतन अनमोल मिला ऐसा मुझको,जिस पर अपना मन प्राण निछावर कर आया,
यह थी तकदीरी बात मुझे गुण दोष न दो
जिसको समझा था सोना, वह मिट्टी निकली,जिसको समझा था आँसू, वह मोती निकला।
जीवन की आपाधापी में कब वक़्त मिलाकुछ देर कहीं पर बैठ कभी यह सोच सकूँ
जो किया, कहा, माना उसमें क्या बुरा भला।
मैं कितना ही भूलूँ, भटकूँ या भरमाऊँ,
है एक कहीं मंज़िल जो मुझे बुलाती है,कितने ही मेरे पाँव पड़े ऊँचे-नीचे,
प्रतिपल वह मेरे पास चली ही आती है,मुझ पर विधि का आभार बहुत-सी बातों का।
पर मैं कृतज्ञ उसका इस पर सबसे ज़्यादा -नभ ओले बरसाए, धरती शोले उगले,अनवरत समय की चक्की चलती जाती है,
मैं जहाँ खड़ा था कल उस थल पर आज नहीं,कल इसी जगह पर पाना मुझको मुश्किल है,
ले मापदंड जिसको परिवर्तित कर देतींकेवल छूकर ही देश-काल की सीमाएँजग दे मुझपर फैसला उसे जैसा भाएलेकिन मैं तो बेरोक सफ़र में जीवन केइस एक और पहलू से होकर निकल चला।
जीवन की आपाधापी में कब वक़्त मिलाकुछ देर कहीं पर बैठ कभी यह सोच सकूँजो किया, कहा, माना उसमें क्या बुरा भला।
The best day of my life!!
Today, when I awoke, I suddenly realized that this is the best day of my life, ever!
There were times when I wondered if I would make it to today; but I did! And because I did I'm going to celebrate!
Today, I'm going to celebrate what an unbelievable life I have had so far: the accomplishments, the many blessings, and, yes, even the hardships because they have served to make me stronger. I will go through this day with my head held high, and a happy heart. I will marvel at God's seemingly simple gifts: the morning dew, the sun, the clouds, the trees, the flowers, the birds. Today, none of these miraculous creations will escape my notice. Today, I will share my excitement for life with other people.
I'll make someone smile. I'll go out of my way to perform an unexpected act of kindness for someone I don't even know. Today, I'll give a sincere compliment to someone who seems down. I'll tell a child how special he is, and I'll tell someone I love just how deeply I care for her and how much she means to me. Today is the day I quit worrying about what I don't have and start being grateful for all the wonderful things God has already given me. I'll remember that to worry is just a waste of time because my faith in God and his Divine Plan ensures everything will be just fine. And tonight, before I go to bed, I'll go outside and raise my eyes to the heavens.
I will stand in awe at the beauty of the stars and the moon, and I will praise God for these magnificent treasures. As the day ends and I lay my head down on my pillow, I will thank the Almighty for the best day of my life. And I will sleep the sleep of a contented child, excited with expectation because I know tomorrow is going to be the best day of my life, ever!
There were times when I wondered if I would make it to today; but I did! And because I did I'm going to celebrate!
Today, I'm going to celebrate what an unbelievable life I have had so far: the accomplishments, the many blessings, and, yes, even the hardships because they have served to make me stronger. I will go through this day with my head held high, and a happy heart. I will marvel at God's seemingly simple gifts: the morning dew, the sun, the clouds, the trees, the flowers, the birds. Today, none of these miraculous creations will escape my notice. Today, I will share my excitement for life with other people.
I'll make someone smile. I'll go out of my way to perform an unexpected act of kindness for someone I don't even know. Today, I'll give a sincere compliment to someone who seems down. I'll tell a child how special he is, and I'll tell someone I love just how deeply I care for her and how much she means to me. Today is the day I quit worrying about what I don't have and start being grateful for all the wonderful things God has already given me. I'll remember that to worry is just a waste of time because my faith in God and his Divine Plan ensures everything will be just fine. And tonight, before I go to bed, I'll go outside and raise my eyes to the heavens.
I will stand in awe at the beauty of the stars and the moon, and I will praise God for these magnificent treasures. As the day ends and I lay my head down on my pillow, I will thank the Almighty for the best day of my life. And I will sleep the sleep of a contented child, excited with expectation because I know tomorrow is going to be the best day of my life, ever!
Happy republic day
This one I wrote on 30th Jan 07..posting now
On our Republic Day Eve me n my husband were badly struck in a traffic.For about good 25 minute we had no clue how long it would take us to reach a place which is just 2 1/2 Kms away.
Cursing the traffic and the way people drive I was looking around for a way to cut through the traffic. On my left, I saw crowd of people and in the middle there was a guy who badly beaten up by a srong built man.Poor guy who was lying on the road was holding his head which was completely soaked in blood. After a few seconds I saw the guy who was standing, smashed his head with a brick and ran away from there.This all happened on Delhi highway which was full of not less then 100 vehicles and 2000 people around.Just like me lot of people saw that and were passing by with frown look on their face.I felt so ashamed and sorry for the guy who was lying there and everyone including mewere passing by so that we are not left behind. None of us came even closer to him to check wether he is dead or alive.I asked my husband " look at people they are just passing in front of him and no one came out to actually help him out or atleast take him to the doctor." his answer was "would you go? or would you let me go to save him from that strong bult man?" His answer made me think that why am I accusing others? I am also a part of them.
None of us came out to help him because we all are selfish and we love our lives.The whole evening I was thinking I wish I could have done something for him.Next day I was peeping in a leading news paper to find out if they have published this news in some corner. Apparently I was not surprised to see that they had more important news to share then that "Shilpa Shetty once again forces C4 to say sorry" and "Ash and abhishek marriage".
Are these matters more important for us these days ?? More important then Nithari case where so many innocent children wre killed bruetly ? It's more important for us to investigate that where and how Abhishek and Ash will get married. What would they wear on the D day?...Ironically all of us are eager to know that...I am too a part of this ...
On our Republic Day Eve me n my husband were badly struck in a traffic.For about good 25 minute we had no clue how long it would take us to reach a place which is just 2 1/2 Kms away.
Cursing the traffic and the way people drive I was looking around for a way to cut through the traffic. On my left, I saw crowd of people and in the middle there was a guy who badly beaten up by a srong built man.Poor guy who was lying on the road was holding his head which was completely soaked in blood. After a few seconds I saw the guy who was standing, smashed his head with a brick and ran away from there.This all happened on Delhi highway which was full of not less then 100 vehicles and 2000 people around.Just like me lot of people saw that and were passing by with frown look on their face.I felt so ashamed and sorry for the guy who was lying there and everyone including mewere passing by so that we are not left behind. None of us came even closer to him to check wether he is dead or alive.I asked my husband " look at people they are just passing in front of him and no one came out to actually help him out or atleast take him to the doctor." his answer was "would you go? or would you let me go to save him from that strong bult man?" His answer made me think that why am I accusing others? I am also a part of them.
None of us came out to help him because we all are selfish and we love our lives.The whole evening I was thinking I wish I could have done something for him.Next day I was peeping in a leading news paper to find out if they have published this news in some corner. Apparently I was not surprised to see that they had more important news to share then that "Shilpa Shetty once again forces C4 to say sorry" and "Ash and abhishek marriage".
Are these matters more important for us these days ?? More important then Nithari case where so many innocent children wre killed bruetly ? It's more important for us to investigate that where and how Abhishek and Ash will get married. What would they wear on the D day?...Ironically all of us are eager to know that...I am too a part of this ...
Idea of death and fear for it
The idea of death, the fear of it, haunts the human animal like nothing else; it is a mainspring of human activity - designed largely to avoid the fatality of death, to overcome it by denying in some way that it is the final destiny of man.I have seen people dying leaving the other's behind crying for them.Today my youngest mamaji passed away .
He was just 35 and had two small kids. Though Am not closer to any my relative because my own belief but still I felt so scared and sad the moment I heard about it. It's sad to know that someone so well and healthy is no more now.I really don't know that why am so scared and feeling bad. Is it because of fear of dying one day or losing people because of this reality of life.I couldn't go and meet my relatives at my hometown because of my own health reasons. But I can imagine the people around crying for him. My mom must have spend millions of happiest moments with him. I can only imagine but can't feel the way she must be feeling. Your own brother with whom you are brought up . It's such a scary feeling which you get when you imagine your life without your close ones.Death leaves a heartache which no one can heal.
He was just 35 and had two small kids. Though Am not closer to any my relative because my own belief but still I felt so scared and sad the moment I heard about it. It's sad to know that someone so well and healthy is no more now.I really don't know that why am so scared and feeling bad. Is it because of fear of dying one day or losing people because of this reality of life.I couldn't go and meet my relatives at my hometown because of my own health reasons. But I can imagine the people around crying for him. My mom must have spend millions of happiest moments with him. I can only imagine but can't feel the way she must be feeling. Your own brother with whom you are brought up . It's such a scary feeling which you get when you imagine your life without your close ones.Death leaves a heartache which no one can heal.
Missing my country
I am Missing my Country............The smell of the rain, though when ever it is raining it is full of dust because of pollution.
I never thought that I will miss my country and city this much. Now I feel like being abandoned in a country where I know no one, can't even speak in my language. Having friends is a blessing and family is foremost.When the birds are singing early in the morning,when the sun is rising and shining,when the sky is raining,I am missing my country.I am sitting here far away and missing the smell of my soil.I miss the warmth that everyone has out there. There is a killing silence out here.My country it is not a piece of heaven but still I love it.
I never thought that I will miss my country and city this much. Now I feel like being abandoned in a country where I know no one, can't even speak in my language. Having friends is a blessing and family is foremost.When the birds are singing early in the morning,when the sun is rising and shining,when the sky is raining,I am missing my country.I am sitting here far away and missing the smell of my soil.I miss the warmth that everyone has out there. There is a killing silence out here.My country it is not a piece of heaven but still I love it.
Dreams unlimited...!!
Dreams....such a small word but with an infinity of imagination.
Well just like most of us, I also had loads of dreams but just a few of them turn out to be a reality.
So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.
I had lots of dreams while I was Kid. Remember One day while watching a small TV show I wanted to become a police offer. I made up my mind to become one..watching army shows n all...It didn't happen actually because, after a few months, I wanted to become a teacher....ha ha ha.
This happened because of one of my English teachers who used to be my favorite when I was in 5th grade.
I guess that's how you are during your childhood.. after a while, I wanted to be a choreographer with my passion for dance...I used to dance like most girls in front of my TV and at times in front of the mirror.
I remember very clearly one day my dad saw me dancing in front of the TV and I felt so embarrassed.
I still love dancing...how many times do you do what you actually want to do. Now I am doing something which I never thought I would be but still, I do enjoy it...
I strongly believe that one should not stop dreaming. At least it gives you(though a few seconds) a moment of enlightenment. Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly.
जीवन धारा
Its feeling of a man what he dreams about is all small happiness, not the materialistic things
किन्ही हसीं लबों की मुस्कराहट बनके मुस्कुराना चाहता हूँ
एक बच्चे की आंखो का सपने बन कर टूट जाना चाहता हूँ
उन बूढी आंखो में यादो के आंसू बनके छलक जाना चाहता हूँ ...
कापती सी आवाज में एक गीत गाना चाहता हूँ ..
कोई पुकारे तो बस रुक जाना चाहता हूँ ..
He is also ambitious so he talks about achieving some priceless things in life....
हैं आकाश में तारे जितने वो सब पाना चाहता हूँ..
चलते चलते थक कर गिर जाना चाहता हूँ
कभी डर्र कर अंधेरो से छुप जाना चाहता हूँ
तो कभी हिमम्मत करके उससे भीड़ जाना चाहता हूं
कभी पाना तो कभी खोना चाहता हूँ....
Now he thinks about his child hood and thinks that was best part of life so he want to rest a bit.......
कोई ला दो मेरी गुल्ली डंडा आज खेल कर थक जाना चाहता हूँ..
फिर चित्रहार के इन्तजार में पढाई खत्म करना चाहता हूँ ..
फिर उसी तालाब किनारे बैठ कर सो जाना चाहता हूँ..
मिल जाये गर मेरे घर का आगन कही फिर से वह की माटी खाना चाहता हूँ ...
अपने खेतो की धुल में सने कपडे लेकर घर आना काहहता हूँ ..
ओ मा कहा हैं तू ले ले मुझे अपने आगोश में
चला तो बहुत नही पर में आज न जाने क्यों तेरी गोद में कुछ देर सो जाना चाहता हूँ ...
सो जाना चाहता हूँ ॥
written by one of my close friend Kamal....
किन्ही हसीं लबों की मुस्कराहट बनके मुस्कुराना चाहता हूँ
एक बच्चे की आंखो का सपने बन कर टूट जाना चाहता हूँ
उन बूढी आंखो में यादो के आंसू बनके छलक जाना चाहता हूँ ...
कापती सी आवाज में एक गीत गाना चाहता हूँ ..
कोई पुकारे तो बस रुक जाना चाहता हूँ ..
He is also ambitious so he talks about achieving some priceless things in life....
हैं आकाश में तारे जितने वो सब पाना चाहता हूँ..
चलते चलते थक कर गिर जाना चाहता हूँ
कभी डर्र कर अंधेरो से छुप जाना चाहता हूँ
तो कभी हिमम्मत करके उससे भीड़ जाना चाहता हूं
कभी पाना तो कभी खोना चाहता हूँ....
Now he thinks about his child hood and thinks that was best part of life so he want to rest a bit.......
कोई ला दो मेरी गुल्ली डंडा आज खेल कर थक जाना चाहता हूँ..
फिर चित्रहार के इन्तजार में पढाई खत्म करना चाहता हूँ ..
फिर उसी तालाब किनारे बैठ कर सो जाना चाहता हूँ..
मिल जाये गर मेरे घर का आगन कही फिर से वह की माटी खाना चाहता हूँ ...
अपने खेतो की धुल में सने कपडे लेकर घर आना काहहता हूँ ..
ओ मा कहा हैं तू ले ले मुझे अपने आगोश में
चला तो बहुत नही पर में आज न जाने क्यों तेरी गोद में कुछ देर सो जाना चाहता हूँ ...
सो जाना चाहता हूँ ॥
written by one of my close friend Kamal....
For my little Angel

Angels and Fairies existed Always in my dreams,stories and fables I thought,
Till god sent you to me, To brighten my life and show that,
ANGELS are there even on earth !!!!!!!!! Love you
I see that you are growing,
Testing out new things.
You learn them without me knowing,
I am a young Mother,But I will do my best with you.
Even though times are tough,
you will never have to bother.
Having you here with me,
Has been such a blessing.
I wonder about the things that you see.
You've made my life go in to a whirl.
You suprise me with everyday that goes by,
No matter what you are my baby girl.
My beautiful daughter
You cannot knowHow much my heart breaks
As I watch you grow
In time you'll become
Independent and free
Always my daughter
And special to me
Testing out new things.
You learn them without me knowing,
I am a young Mother,But I will do my best with you.
Even though times are tough,
you will never have to bother.
Having you here with me,
Has been such a blessing.
I wonder about the things that you see.
You've made my life go in to a whirl.
You suprise me with everyday that goes by,
No matter what you are my baby girl.
My beautiful daughter
You cannot knowHow much my heart breaks
As I watch you grow
In time you'll become
Independent and free
Always my daughter
And special to me
For all my loved ones
When people come into your life for a SEASON, it is because your turn has come to share, grow, or learn.
They may bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done.
They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it! It is real! But, only for a season. And like Spring turns to Summer and Summer to Fall, the season eventually ends.LIFETIME, relationships teach you a lifetime of lessons; those things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person/people (anyway) and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas in your life. It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant.
Thank you for being part of my life.....
They may bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done.
They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it! It is real! But, only for a season. And like Spring turns to Summer and Summer to Fall, the season eventually ends.LIFETIME, relationships teach you a lifetime of lessons; those things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person/people (anyway) and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas in your life. It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant.
Thank you for being part of my life.....
Love,marriage and my husband
There's nothing more fulfilling than a lifelong relationship with your soulmate. It's a comforting feeling to know and be known by the person whom you love
.As a teenager I always used to think and imagine how does it feel like to go through love, to pine for love, be loved and be burned by it.
I never experienced true love and I guess that is why could not find one.Now that I am married I could feel the real meaning of love and dedication.My First meeting with my husband did not gave me any idea about how our married life would be?We met with our own expectation and tried our best to make each other comfortable.We beagn to understand each other very well in a short span of time,there was a trust developed amongst us.All weddings are similar, but every marriage is different.So was our's. We really had to go through so much of trouble before our marriage but he stood right behind me to support me and was with me for every second of that rollercoster ride.It's so good to wake up every morning with a proud feeling that there is someone wholoves me from the core of his heart.
I always belive that what you are as a single person, you will be as a married person, only to a greater degree. Any negative character trait will be intensified in a marriage relationship, because you will feel free to let your guard down -- that person has committed himself to you and you no longer have to worry about scaring him off.Now I enjoy each moment of my life with my husband.I never felt a love Like this before Something I have always hoped for.
.As a teenager I always used to think and imagine how does it feel like to go through love, to pine for love, be loved and be burned by it.
I never experienced true love and I guess that is why could not find one.Now that I am married I could feel the real meaning of love and dedication.My First meeting with my husband did not gave me any idea about how our married life would be?We met with our own expectation and tried our best to make each other comfortable.We beagn to understand each other very well in a short span of time,there was a trust developed amongst us.All weddings are similar, but every marriage is different.So was our's. We really had to go through so much of trouble before our marriage but he stood right behind me to support me and was with me for every second of that rollercoster ride.It's so good to wake up every morning with a proud feeling that there is someone wholoves me from the core of his heart.
I always belive that what you are as a single person, you will be as a married person, only to a greater degree. Any negative character trait will be intensified in a marriage relationship, because you will feel free to let your guard down -- that person has committed himself to you and you no longer have to worry about scaring him off.Now I enjoy each moment of my life with my husband.I never felt a love Like this before Something I have always hoped for.
आतंकवाद से सबको फ़ायदा है....
आतंकवादसे सबको फ़ायदा है। न्यूज़ चैनलों को फ़ायदा है। अख़बारों को फ़ायदा है। आज की तारीख में मी मीडिया के लिए एक बड़े धमाके से बड़ी ख़बर कोई नहीं हो सकती। आप इस पर घंटों नहीं, कई दिनों तक खेल सकते हैं। घटना स्थल की तस्वीरें, अस्पताल की तस्वीरें, रोते-पीटते logon की तस्वीरें, घायलों की मदद के लिए बढ़े लोगों की तस्वीरें, नेताओं के दौरे की तस्वीरें, तमाम नेताओं के बयान, मुआवाज़े का एलान- ये सब आपको पूरे दीन का भरपूर मसाला दे देते हैं।
ब्लास्ट में कोई ऐसा ज़रूर मरा होगा, जिसकी अभी-अभी शादी हुई होगी या होने वाली होगी। किसी की माँ, किसी का बाप, किसी की पत्नी, किसी के पति, किसी के बच्चे इस ब्लास्ट में ज़रूर क़ुर्बान हुए होंगे। कई ऐसे लोग होंगे जो इस धमाके के बाद से लापता होंगे। आप दिखा सकते हैं कि किस तरह उनके परिवारों के लोग उनकी तस्वीर लेकर अस्पतालों में, पुलिस थानों में उन्हें ढूँढ़ने की जद्दोजहद में लगे हैं। जाँच से जुड़े पहलू, इंटेलीजेंस की विफलता, पुलिस की नाकामी ये सब तमाम मसले हैं, जिनपर कई स्टोरीज़ हो सकती हैं। इसके अलावा यह दिखाना भी दिलचस्प रहता है कि किस तरह इतने बड़े धमाके के बाद पूरा शहर अगली ही सुबह काम पर जुट जाता है। जज़्बे को सलाम। दो सौ लोग मरे हैं, बाकी लोग अपने-अपने काम पर निकल पड़े हैं। मुंबई तुझे सलाम। दिल्ली तुझे सलाम। बनारस तुझे सलाम। इसके बाद मुआवज़ा मिलने में परेशानी की ख़बरें हैं। देश भर में आतंकवाद के ख़िलाफ़ विरोध प्रदर्शन की ख़बरें हैं। जैसे-जैसे दिन-महीने बीतेंगे तो जाँच में ढिलाई, संदिग्धों से पूछताछ और अदालती कार्यवाहियाँ खबर बनेंगी। साल बीत जाएगा तो बरसी भी ख़बर बनेगी। एक धमाके में कितना कुछ है।...और सिर्फ़ मीडिया को ही क्यों, इससे नेताओं को फ़ायदा है। अधिकारियों को फ़ायदा है। विपक्षी दल को फ़ायदा है। आतंकवाद का चूल्हा गरम हो, तो राजनीति की रोटियों को पकाने के लिए इससे अच्छी आँच नहीं मिल सकती। इससे हिंदू वोटों की राजनीति करने वाले को भी फ़ायदा है। मुस्लिम वोटों की राजनीति करने वाले को भी फ़ायदा है। हिंदू वोटों की राजनीति करने वाले मुसलमानों के ख़िलाफ़ बोलकर हिंदू वोटरों को लामबंद कर सकते हैं। मुस्लिम वोटों की राजनीति करने वाले मुसलमानों के मन में असुरक्षा की भावना सुलगाकर फ़ायदा उठा सकते हैं। कोई आतंकवादी पकड़ा जाएगा, तो यह हायतौबा मचाने के लिए बड़ा ही उपयुक्त मौका रहता है कि देखो-देखो, कैसे चुन-चुनकर मुसलमानों को पकड़ा जा रहा है और कैसे इस देश के हिंदू तुम्हें हमें शक की निगाह से देखते हैं।आतंकवाद से भारत की सरकार को फ़ायदा है। आतंकवाद से पाकिस्तान की सरकार को फ़ायदा है। आतंकवाद है तो बाकी सारे मुद्दे गौण हैं। आतंकवाद है तो न भूख है, न गरीबी, न बेरोज़गारी। आतंकवाद है तो न कोई बीमार है, न कोई अनपढ़। न बिजली-पानी का संकट है, न सड़कों की हालत खस्ता है। दोनों देश एक-दूसरे के ख़िलाफ़ बयान देते रहें। हिंदू मुसलमान के ख़िलाफ़ बोलते रहें, मुसलमान हिंदू के ख़िलाफ़ बोलते रहें। देश चलता रहेगा। सरकारें चलती रहेंगी। न बगावत होगी, न आंदोलन होगा।आतंकवाद है तो अमेरिका को फ़ायदा है। ब्रिटेन को फ़ायदा है। उन्हें लड़ने और लड़ाने की वजहें मिलती हैं। इराक और अफ़ग़ानिस्तान पर हमला करने की वजहें मिलती हैं। हथियार बेचने की वजहें मिलती हैं। वो तेल मिलता है, जिससे अर्थव्यवस्था के जंग खाए पुरज़ों में चिकनाई आती है। पूरी दुनिया पर उनकी दादागिरी कायम होती है। आतंकवाद है तो ओसामा बिन लादेन, सद्दाम हुसैन सब हीरो हैं। कोई जीकर हीरो है, कोई मरकर हीरोआतंकवादियों पर पुलिस और क़ानून के ज़ुल्म को उठाने और उनसे हुई मुठभेड़ों पर सवाल खड़े करने से उनकी दुकान धकाधक चलती है। उन पर बड़े-बड़े लेख लिखे जाते हैं। अंतर्राष्ट्रीय पुरस्कारों की झड़ी लग जाती है।आतंकवाद है तो आतंकवादियों को फ़ायदा है। कितने बेरोज़गार नौजवानों के परिवार पलते हैं। बेरोज़गारी के आलम में नौकरियाँ माँग रहें आम युवकों पर या अपनी कोई समस्या लेकर आंदोलन कर रहे आम लोगों के लिए सरकारों के पास लाठी-गोलियाँ हैं, लेकिन आतंकवादियों को बातचीत की मेज़ पर लाने के लिए बड़े-बड़े देशों की सरकारें तरसती हैं। गुपचुप वार्ताएँ होती हैं, खुली वार्ताएँ होती हैं। सरकारों से समझौता करके नेता बन जाने का मौका भी रहता है। उनकी इस बात के लिए मन्नत होती है कि हथियार छोड़कर मुख्य धारा में आ जाओ। लोकतंत्र की बयार है। चुनाव लड़ो। जीतो और राज करो।जिन्हें आतंकवाद का शिकार कहते हैं, उन्हें भी फ़ायदा है। उनमें से ज़्यादातर ऐसे लोग होते हैं, जो अपने परिवार के लिए पूरी ज़िंदगी में पाँच लाख रुपये नहीं कमा सकते। वो मुआवाज़े के तौर पर उन्हें एक ही बार में मिल जाता है। पाँच लोग मरें, तो पच्चीस लाख। यानी बचा हुआ छठा आदमी मालामाल। लोगों की सहानुभूति अलग मिलती है। बड़े नेताओं-अफ़सरों के कदमों से घर की माटी तो पवित्र होती ही है। अख़बार में नाम छपते हैं। टीवी पर चेहरा दिखता है। उनकी रोती, छाती पीटती हुई तस्वीरें देख-देखकर दुनिया में मानवता ज़िंदा रहती है।...तो जिस आतंकवाद से मानवता के फूल खिलते हैं और चमन में हर तरफ़ फ़ायदे की बहार आ जाती है- उस पर इतने सवाल क्यों? उससे इतनी नफ़रत क्यों? इसे सेलेब्रेट करिए और दुनिया में इसे कायम रखने में बड़े-बड़े मुल्कों की सरकारों का साथ दीजिए।
ब्लास्ट में कोई ऐसा ज़रूर मरा होगा, जिसकी अभी-अभी शादी हुई होगी या होने वाली होगी। किसी की माँ, किसी का बाप, किसी की पत्नी, किसी के पति, किसी के बच्चे इस ब्लास्ट में ज़रूर क़ुर्बान हुए होंगे। कई ऐसे लोग होंगे जो इस धमाके के बाद से लापता होंगे। आप दिखा सकते हैं कि किस तरह उनके परिवारों के लोग उनकी तस्वीर लेकर अस्पतालों में, पुलिस थानों में उन्हें ढूँढ़ने की जद्दोजहद में लगे हैं। जाँच से जुड़े पहलू, इंटेलीजेंस की विफलता, पुलिस की नाकामी ये सब तमाम मसले हैं, जिनपर कई स्टोरीज़ हो सकती हैं। इसके अलावा यह दिखाना भी दिलचस्प रहता है कि किस तरह इतने बड़े धमाके के बाद पूरा शहर अगली ही सुबह काम पर जुट जाता है। जज़्बे को सलाम। दो सौ लोग मरे हैं, बाकी लोग अपने-अपने काम पर निकल पड़े हैं। मुंबई तुझे सलाम। दिल्ली तुझे सलाम। बनारस तुझे सलाम। इसके बाद मुआवज़ा मिलने में परेशानी की ख़बरें हैं। देश भर में आतंकवाद के ख़िलाफ़ विरोध प्रदर्शन की ख़बरें हैं। जैसे-जैसे दिन-महीने बीतेंगे तो जाँच में ढिलाई, संदिग्धों से पूछताछ और अदालती कार्यवाहियाँ खबर बनेंगी। साल बीत जाएगा तो बरसी भी ख़बर बनेगी। एक धमाके में कितना कुछ है।...और सिर्फ़ मीडिया को ही क्यों, इससे नेताओं को फ़ायदा है। अधिकारियों को फ़ायदा है। विपक्षी दल को फ़ायदा है। आतंकवाद का चूल्हा गरम हो, तो राजनीति की रोटियों को पकाने के लिए इससे अच्छी आँच नहीं मिल सकती। इससे हिंदू वोटों की राजनीति करने वाले को भी फ़ायदा है। मुस्लिम वोटों की राजनीति करने वाले को भी फ़ायदा है। हिंदू वोटों की राजनीति करने वाले मुसलमानों के ख़िलाफ़ बोलकर हिंदू वोटरों को लामबंद कर सकते हैं। मुस्लिम वोटों की राजनीति करने वाले मुसलमानों के मन में असुरक्षा की भावना सुलगाकर फ़ायदा उठा सकते हैं। कोई आतंकवादी पकड़ा जाएगा, तो यह हायतौबा मचाने के लिए बड़ा ही उपयुक्त मौका रहता है कि देखो-देखो, कैसे चुन-चुनकर मुसलमानों को पकड़ा जा रहा है और कैसे इस देश के हिंदू तुम्हें हमें शक की निगाह से देखते हैं।आतंकवाद से भारत की सरकार को फ़ायदा है। आतंकवाद से पाकिस्तान की सरकार को फ़ायदा है। आतंकवाद है तो बाकी सारे मुद्दे गौण हैं। आतंकवाद है तो न भूख है, न गरीबी, न बेरोज़गारी। आतंकवाद है तो न कोई बीमार है, न कोई अनपढ़। न बिजली-पानी का संकट है, न सड़कों की हालत खस्ता है। दोनों देश एक-दूसरे के ख़िलाफ़ बयान देते रहें। हिंदू मुसलमान के ख़िलाफ़ बोलते रहें, मुसलमान हिंदू के ख़िलाफ़ बोलते रहें। देश चलता रहेगा। सरकारें चलती रहेंगी। न बगावत होगी, न आंदोलन होगा।आतंकवाद है तो अमेरिका को फ़ायदा है। ब्रिटेन को फ़ायदा है। उन्हें लड़ने और लड़ाने की वजहें मिलती हैं। इराक और अफ़ग़ानिस्तान पर हमला करने की वजहें मिलती हैं। हथियार बेचने की वजहें मिलती हैं। वो तेल मिलता है, जिससे अर्थव्यवस्था के जंग खाए पुरज़ों में चिकनाई आती है। पूरी दुनिया पर उनकी दादागिरी कायम होती है। आतंकवाद है तो ओसामा बिन लादेन, सद्दाम हुसैन सब हीरो हैं। कोई जीकर हीरो है, कोई मरकर हीरोआतंकवादियों पर पुलिस और क़ानून के ज़ुल्म को उठाने और उनसे हुई मुठभेड़ों पर सवाल खड़े करने से उनकी दुकान धकाधक चलती है। उन पर बड़े-बड़े लेख लिखे जाते हैं। अंतर्राष्ट्रीय पुरस्कारों की झड़ी लग जाती है।आतंकवाद है तो आतंकवादियों को फ़ायदा है। कितने बेरोज़गार नौजवानों के परिवार पलते हैं। बेरोज़गारी के आलम में नौकरियाँ माँग रहें आम युवकों पर या अपनी कोई समस्या लेकर आंदोलन कर रहे आम लोगों के लिए सरकारों के पास लाठी-गोलियाँ हैं, लेकिन आतंकवादियों को बातचीत की मेज़ पर लाने के लिए बड़े-बड़े देशों की सरकारें तरसती हैं। गुपचुप वार्ताएँ होती हैं, खुली वार्ताएँ होती हैं। सरकारों से समझौता करके नेता बन जाने का मौका भी रहता है। उनकी इस बात के लिए मन्नत होती है कि हथियार छोड़कर मुख्य धारा में आ जाओ। लोकतंत्र की बयार है। चुनाव लड़ो। जीतो और राज करो।जिन्हें आतंकवाद का शिकार कहते हैं, उन्हें भी फ़ायदा है। उनमें से ज़्यादातर ऐसे लोग होते हैं, जो अपने परिवार के लिए पूरी ज़िंदगी में पाँच लाख रुपये नहीं कमा सकते। वो मुआवाज़े के तौर पर उन्हें एक ही बार में मिल जाता है। पाँच लोग मरें, तो पच्चीस लाख। यानी बचा हुआ छठा आदमी मालामाल। लोगों की सहानुभूति अलग मिलती है। बड़े नेताओं-अफ़सरों के कदमों से घर की माटी तो पवित्र होती ही है। अख़बार में नाम छपते हैं। टीवी पर चेहरा दिखता है। उनकी रोती, छाती पीटती हुई तस्वीरें देख-देखकर दुनिया में मानवता ज़िंदा रहती है।...तो जिस आतंकवाद से मानवता के फूल खिलते हैं और चमन में हर तरफ़ फ़ायदे की बहार आ जाती है- उस पर इतने सवाल क्यों? उससे इतनी नफ़रत क्यों? इसे सेलेब्रेट करिए और दुनिया में इसे कायम रखने में बड़े-बड़े मुल्कों की सरकारों का साथ दीजिए।
Missing Holi In India
am missing my home badly...Holi is one of my favourite festival and being there with the entire family is sucha great fun. I am too far off from my home n country..sitting here I can still smell gujiya's and those delecious dahi bade...My mom in law and mom both are great cook and I just love eating endless whenever they make those delecious cusines on Holi.
Is baar ki holi main woh baat nahi hai,
dahi bade, guzia aur gulal nahi hai
subah se hi sabko mal mal kar rang lagate to kaisa hota,
fir daant kha kar ragad kar chudate to kaisa hota
Holi ke bahane kisi ko bhi pakad lete to kaisa hota
fir bura na mano holi hai kah kar chod dete to kaisa hota
Kha ke gujiya pee ke bhang happy holi kahte the
agle din yaad kar pet pakad kar haste the
holi ke rang kuch phike se ho gaye hai
is routine life me hum kuch udas se ho gaye hai
Chah kar bhi hum holi nahi mana sakte
holi ke din bhi masti me nare nahi laga sakte
Is baar ki holi main woh baat nahi hai,
dahi bade, guzia aur gulal nahi hai
subah se hi sabko mal mal kar rang lagate to kaisa hota,
fir daant kha kar ragad kar chudate to kaisa hota
Holi ke bahane kisi ko bhi pakad lete to kaisa hota
fir bura na mano holi hai kah kar chod dete to kaisa hota
Kha ke gujiya pee ke bhang happy holi kahte the
agle din yaad kar pet pakad kar haste the
holi ke rang kuch phike se ho gaye hai
is routine life me hum kuch udas se ho gaye hai
Chah kar bhi hum holi nahi mana sakte
holi ke din bhi masti me nare nahi laga sakte
Sunday, July 20, 2008
A Lesson in Life
Below are the few lines which I read when am feeling disappointed or down. No... no ways..I have not written them. Just found this wonderful message while browsing net one day.
I feel reading this helps me cleaning my mind and giving me a fresh outlook
I feel reading this helps me cleaning my mind and giving me a fresh outlook
"Everything happens for a reason.
Nothing happens by chance or by means of good or bad luck. Illness, injury,
love, lost moments of true greatness and sheer stupidity all occur to test the
limits of your soul. Without these small tests, if they be events, illnesses or
relationships, life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, flat road to
If someone hurts you, betrays
you , or breaks you heart, forgive them. For they have helped you learn about
trust and the importance of being cautious to who you open your heart
If someone loves you, love them
back unconditionally, not only because they love you, but because they are
teaching you to love and opening your heart and eyes to things you would have
never seen or felt without them.
Make every day count.
Appreciate every moment and take from it everything that you possibly can, for
you may never be able to experience it again
Talk to people you have never
talked to before, and actually listen. Hold your head up because you have every
right to. Tell yourself you are a great individual and believe in yourself, for
if you don't believe in yourself, no one else will believe in you either.
can make of your life anything you wish. Create your own life and then go out
and live it."
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Ek arse baad
Aaj ek barse baad laga ki kitni umar peeche chod aye hain hum..kitna kuch dekh liye hain
Peeche dekho to lagta hai kitna samay nikal gaya aur kitni choti si zindagi bachi hai ab.
Mano jaise saari umar nikal gayi sochne main ki jab yeh hoga tab woh karenge.
Ab lagta hai kitna khushmizaz tha woh musam, woh pal, woh ghadi jab chote the...na koi fikra na dukh na chinta. Bas zindagi ke chote chote mukamon ko hasil kar ke khush ho jaate the.
Mujhe mere school ke din apni zindagi ke sabse ache din lagte hain aur shayad sabke ke liye wahi saal sabse jyada yaadgar hote hain.
Maine woh sab kuch kiya hai abhi tak jo main chahti hoon ya chahti thi magar woh samay lagta hain main ek koi dossri shaksiyat thi..mano main ab badal gayi hoon woh koi aur thi...azaadi ...udaane....choti choti baaton par dhe saari khusiyan milna..kitna acha tha sab kuch..
dosto ke saath gappe marna..ghar walon se chup kar film dekhne jaana..kahne ko 10 rs milte the magar lagta tha un 10 rupiyon main kitna kuch kar lenge.
Kitna kuch banna chahti thi main kitni badi badi udaane bharte the padhai karna us wqt bhoj lagta tha magar exams ke baad kitne josh se discuss karte the ki humnein kya teer mara.
us waqt ka har pal yaadgaar hai mere liye.
Woh dost abhi bhi mere bohat kareeb hain..aur shayad un jaise dobara ban hi nahin payenge.
Kaash mere paas koi time machine hoti to woh time wapas le aati.
Peeche dekho to lagta hai kitna samay nikal gaya aur kitni choti si zindagi bachi hai ab.
Mano jaise saari umar nikal gayi sochne main ki jab yeh hoga tab woh karenge.
Ab lagta hai kitna khushmizaz tha woh musam, woh pal, woh ghadi jab chote the...na koi fikra na dukh na chinta. Bas zindagi ke chote chote mukamon ko hasil kar ke khush ho jaate the.
Mujhe mere school ke din apni zindagi ke sabse ache din lagte hain aur shayad sabke ke liye wahi saal sabse jyada yaadgar hote hain.
Maine woh sab kuch kiya hai abhi tak jo main chahti hoon ya chahti thi magar woh samay lagta hain main ek koi dossri shaksiyat thi..mano main ab badal gayi hoon woh koi aur thi...azaadi ...udaane....choti choti baaton par dhe saari khusiyan milna..kitna acha tha sab kuch..
dosto ke saath gappe marna..ghar walon se chup kar film dekhne jaana..kahne ko 10 rs milte the magar lagta tha un 10 rupiyon main kitna kuch kar lenge.
Kitna kuch banna chahti thi main kitni badi badi udaane bharte the padhai karna us wqt bhoj lagta tha magar exams ke baad kitne josh se discuss karte the ki humnein kya teer mara.
us waqt ka har pal yaadgaar hai mere liye.
Woh dost abhi bhi mere bohat kareeb hain..aur shayad un jaise dobara ban hi nahin payenge.
Kaash mere paas koi time machine hoti to woh time wapas le aati.
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